United States Hacker Wesley Wentworth Winslow

Disclaimer: There is a large amount of false information about Wesley Wentworth Winslow. Most of this information Ed Sparks claims you can derive from researching and Google Hacking the printed chatroom in the HermosaBeachMarketing.com blogpost. Any of my personal opinions added to this page will be in dashed braces and italics like such. - { Wesley Wentworth Winslow was a fortunate person. People enjoyed becoming associated with anonymous as entertainment. This covered the original Ops which benefitted him with a flood of user generated content. Even the wiki is rediculously false compared to the original and very much functional CIA sponsored Anonymous hacking team. } -

Wesley Wentworth Winslow

"Check your account. I sent you money. Can you do this for me when you have time?"


Birthday: 1976

Height: 6'1"

Nationality: USA

Ethnicity: White

Hair Color: Black

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Aura: Wealth Seeker

A Type: Commisioner <Team Leader Delivering Pre-sold Contracts>

B Type: Microchiroptera (Financier) <Waits with Plan for Finacial Gain>

Security Clearance: Yes, Contractor

Background: GSA Equivalent, Relative of CIA Occifer, Fired

Bounty: Yes - Federal

Hacking Accomplishments

@Anonymous = \xHH

Hacking Groups

@Anonymous = \xHH

Other Known Handles

@Anonymous = \xHH


@WilliesWeeWee = \xHH

@WillyWentWhacking = \xHH

@WesWentWinning = \xHH

@<RandomStrings> = \xHH

It is an Honour

Work History

Interconnection Article

2004-2015 Project manager for government web lines. Team leader and resourcer for non-peer lines from government agencies to cities in America and abroad.

Responsible to hire and execute the activation and programming of acknowledged response nodes and point-to-point communication of 1 computer to 1 computer.

Responsible to initiate programs from the destination computer through switch operations. Transferred custom programming into and out of state firewalls through the switch (OR Make Programs for the Dots - | |

---------- The History of the US Internet Mainframe

In the beginning, was an internet that you accessed through a phone line or modem. Most people called their computer their modem. Nobody cared about anything except communicating with their friends and relatives on AOL.

There was a point in the history of America when they began to realize that people needed to network computers together underground. Many companies were chosen to represent an area. These companies are called a switch.

A switch is just like the router in your house. You plug the big cord in and then you plug many smaller cords in the other side. In a switch, the big cord connects to another switch say Orlando and Atlanta. Then down to smaller switches until it reaches your house. This is what the dots are in an ip address like http :// .

Wesley Winslow worked as a project leader for the US government section of the switch. It required special access encryption. And in many instances; a separate channel or "cord" just for politics and exclusive information.

Over time Wesley moved up into position to focus only on Washington DC. Wesley Winslow was a contractor who spoke with a man named Miller T Cooper in his Tampa office called SAGO Net when Ed Sparks walked through the door.

----------------- Winslow vs Sparks vs Snowden

2007-ish maybe 2009 "The first thing that Ed Sparks ever said to me was - 'What do you call a lesbian with fat fingers? Well Hung.' After that, I asked him what he was doing at SAGO Net and he replied that he was an intern for a video company that developed a new technology for passing information through video. I asked him how long he worked there and he said over a year with no pay... so I got him to work for me for free too."

I met Sparks in the hallway and pointed to the control room. "I work in there." and pointed to a star wars room behind glass with many people and 4 or 5 levels of screens.

"That is the switch. It is how the government's information gets into town. We can see everything that happens in there."

"That's badass" which is how Sparks talks. "I wondered why I had to go through security (metal detectors) to get inside the building... I don't think they can see everything in there. I know that we communicate through a video portal. I don't believe we transfer any distinguishable/traceable information; that's why the company is in the building."

"Let's check it out." - I said.

- { I'm sorry if I wrote it like a comic book but I read a ton of graphic novels and it's the only way that I understand it. } -

Sparks claimed that he worked there for free so he could have access to the G5 with 32 gigs of ram in it for video. He also had access to the whole digital juice suite and it was faster to render projects than his G3 plus greenscreen studio access.

He opened the Mac and put a program on my laptop. Then he sent a word document file to me through the video screen and it ended up on my desktop. He said watch this. I have been exporting it through After Effects to remove all controls and make it zero bytes. Version 2 arrived on my desktop but my computer wouldn't open it. He said try turning it into a video file which it worked. I could see myself through the webcam and throw a file through it at the same time.

"I bet you McDonald's that if you put that laptop computer on the other side of the switch there, nobody can see the file. I'v tested it a few different ways already." And we got around the security on the switch ourselves in a small office in a building with no windows.

"Iocaine Powder. I bet my life on it." I put that bitch in everything. I kept Sparks on speed dial. ATM camera software, security camera encryption software, radio tower cameras, wind machines and Sparks' personal favorite satellite software. "I like to see the moon from space" He's a dumbass... but you gotta love Ed Sparks... he's a funny mother fucker.

I couldn't keep him employed because the fool was in school and got arrested like 6x at the same bar... ended up getting dragged around by handcuffs on the ball of the police car, body slammed by a dyke and tazed by the feds. Sat in jail for resisting arrest for 6 weeks before going on felony probation. Made it difficult to get him any work... plus he wasn't an "official" DOD programmer at that time... now I can't help him the same way as I could've at that time...

When the government bought it, I worked my way into managing it. I already knew how it ran anyway. I just played along as a troubleshooter and project manager. Government processes are slow and the caliber of programmers are mundane compared to the pool of freelancers who refuse to behave.

Groups and different teams and meetings. The NSA and other agencies started hiring mass teams of cubicle rats sworn to secrecy. Sparks was in California but I pulled him into another situation where I gave him a few bucks to make the 'official image' for the technology itself on the beta and gamma channels. I just wanted to make sure that I had my situation unaltered. During this time, Sparks installed a few modules on each cubicle terminal where he met Snowden at his desk for no more than 20 minutes.

Snowden was a tool, bland and uninteresting. Most of the government ding dings are about as smart as a pebble. They exist in their own version of reality which has nothing to do with myself. Some have more initiative than others.

I moved on from managing while I was at work. Leading teams of international hacking enthusiasts willing to learn. I mostly used the alpha channels through the government buildings secure line which I will always have access to in my own way.

I showed Sparks a few things but mostly he was only interested in making fake celebrity nudes with Photoshop and hacking into porn and escort sites. Tried to make his own I think.

Overall the questions that you want answered are about Snowden so here we go. I forgot that Sparks installed all the master images. Its Iocaine powder so there is nothing anywhere. No matter what, you wouldn't be able to see the file structure which meant that Sparks could always access nodes for tech and other things.

I covered my ass by being able to control the security cameras in the building which Sparks did as a hobby anyway. The funniest thing is that I forgot that too. I was a million miles away trying to get through banks and sell information in my head.

Snowden made a mistake because he cared too much. The job didn't require any personal thoughts... just follow the T.O. and report... when he began to make references and point out "coincidences"... I put Sparks in the system so Snowden could watch Sparks but that backfired because Sparks is a funny fucker... I thought it would be easy having Snowden watching him do his Google stuff back in the day... but instead I had to eventually escalate his further reports because Sparks' hacking club was inside Snowden's reports which I had to get it out of the department and away from anything with my name and his name on it.

- You have to understand. Sparks would make a masturbation video to cover his hacking team. Snowden would see several video feeds of the same person masturbating. He (Snowden) just couldn't handle not knowing what was going on or not being able to make other people watch a bunch of hands on dicks.- Sorry but that's how it happened. -

Sparks was busy making fake celebrity nudes and, according to him, his security light went on his MAC while in his office. He accessed the inside cameras from California. Staring at Snowden messing around with his buddies who were trying to hack into who knows Lightspeed University, Raven Riley or something like that. Sparks just got insanely upset. I have nothing to do with the rest.

Snowden was convinced it was national security but nobody was listening to him. A few loud displays about masturbating and "same penises" just made him unpopular. Muttering cock all day spun him out of control.

I got Sparks involved a little bit too deep and tried to remember to get him removed a few times from paperwork. Afterwards, new teams of people were assigned and other things had my interest. I will do my best to deliver some hacking projects and hacking accomplishments.

Everything in the government is slow. Few things are implemented which means we have really good equipment from WWII to today. If you put surveillance software into place that can't be stolen if captured then the Iocaine powder is for you. The rest is just good B-to-G sales guys.

Sparks impressed me around the end by encountering one of my own teams in Turkey. I liked Turkey because they have been fighting over there for thousands of years. Those Caucasians are crazy. I don't care what they do, I only care that they are paid and they deliver. Mostly in that order. Sparks is poking around my chat room. Eventually I calmed him down. He thought he was a hero. Something like the universe connected or something. We both turned out on 1 computer out of billions - miles away from both of us.

I eventually got fired from my position as I was making tons of money hacking and never showed up to work. I never even called in or said anything. Tried to have other people show up as myself several months in a row on different occasions to no motivation.

I have resided outside the US for some time. Its way too dangerous of a country to live in anyway. Too much crime for my taste. I can sit in my underwear anywhere... might as well be safe.

# Do I move this to the main article?

# Is it better to keep stats or what?